Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Capabilities of Senegalese Youth Navigating Immobility Challenges

  • 2025•02•04

    Alix DebrayCharlotte ScheerensNdiémé Sow, Doudou Dièye Gueye, Sorana Toma, and Ilse Ruyssen

    Published in Afrika Focus

    This report provides policy recommendations for addressing the socio-economic and mental health challenges of different forms of involuntary immobility faced by Senegalese youth, based on qualitative data from the “Migration Aspiration, Immobility and Wellbeing” workshop held at Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor. The event gathered feedback from young people, practitioners and academics on the complex factors that contribute to the immobility of youth in Casamance, Senegal. Recommendations include promoting local success stories, addressing family pressures, leveraging migrant dynamics, improving access to information and mentoring, and encouraging targeted investments in education and local economic development. The insights reflect a co-creation process, aimed at developing sustainable solutions for young people’s wellbeing and aspirations in Senegal.

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