Online Course 3: Comparative Migration Policy


    Online course

    This course is geared towards practitioners in the field but is also open to other types of students interested in learning more about migration studies. This course covers eight weeks. You will receive weekly assignments and online lectures. You are free to work at your own pace and within the confines of your own schedule.

    Migration policy has been of increasing interest in public debates in most developed countries recently. It is the talk of political parties and a subject in new elections. In this course we explore migration entry policies for different types of migrants across different receiving countries. The sending policies of origin countries are also studied: do they encourage or discourage migrations and from which groups? On the other side, we look at the policies of migrant sending countries to engage their diaspora and how diaspora can play a role in development.

    Prerequisites: Preferably Course 1: Introduction to Migration Studies. Alternatively completion of another basic course in Migration Studies or relevant work experience in the field of migration.

    You can find more information on the UNU-MERIT course page.