Ambassador Dialogues: Migration to the US from Mexico: The experiences of a Mexican Diplomat

  • DATE / TIME:
    2017•03•22    12:00 - 2017•03•20    13:30

    H.E. Ambassador Ibarrola will deliver a lecture entitled “Migration to the US from Mexico: The experiences of a Mexican Diplomat”.

    About the speaker: H.E. Ambassador Eduardo Ibarrola Nicolín, a native of Mexico City, has a master of science degree in political sociology from the London School of Economics. His career in the foreign service began with his assignment as Deputy Consul General of Mexico in Los Angeles, California in 1985, and in the time since, his diplomatic career has led him to several positions in the United States, Guatemala, and finally in the Netherlands. Since 2012, Mr. Ibarrola has been Ambassador of Mexico to the Netherlands and Permanent Representative of Mexico to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and other international organizations, including the International Criminal Court; International Court of Justice; Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague Conference for Private International Law; Common Fund for Commodities.

  • Boschstraat 24
    6211 AX Maastricht
    The Netherlands