Seminar: The Challenges of Harmonising Legal Migration


  • DATE / TIME:
    2015•10•21    12:30 - 13:30

    Abstract: Whilst the benefits of harmonizing legal migration legislation are not disputed, the harmonisation process is not without its challenges. In this seminar, Dr Ágnes Töttős will share some of the challenges in harmonising legal migration rules that she has identified during the negotiations in the relevant Working Party of the Council of the EU that she also chaired during the Hungarian Presidency. These included lengthy negotiation processes and specific challenges for Member States in working through complex legal problems, such as the dispute of using parallel national schemes, reforming provisions on intra-EU mobility, and ensuring equal treatment.

  • The seminar will be held in room 0.16/0.17 of the new UNU-MERIT building at Boschstraat 24. A sandwich lunch will be provided.