In this seminar, Dr. Hein de Haas will present “The Effectiveness of Migration Policies: New Evidence from the DEMIG Project”.
Abstract: The effectiveness of migration policies has been widely contested; opposing are those arguing that borders are largely ‘beyond control’ (Bhagwati) and those arguing that there is no major migration control crisis. A lack of data and methodological shortcomings have prevented an informed debate on these issue. Based on the recently completed DEMIG (Determinants of International Migration) project (2010-2014) at the University of Oxford, Hein de Haas will present new empirical evidence on the nature and evolution of migration policies and their ability to influence migration.
Speaker Biography: Hein de Haas is Co-Director of the International Migration Institute (IMI), as well as an Associate Professor in Migration Studies and James Martin Fellow at the University of Oxford. He is also Professor of Migration and Development at the University of Maastricht. His research focuses on the links between migration and broader processes of development and social transformation, primarily from the perspective of migrant-sending societies. He did extensive fieldwork in the Middle East and North Africa and, particularly, Morocco. He has published on a wide range of issues including migration theory, migration and development, remittances and transnationalism, integration, migration determinants, migration futures and the links between migration and environmental change. More information is available on his website .
The seminar will be held from 12:30-13:30 in the conference room of UNU-Merit at Keizer Karelplein 19. A sandwich lunch will be provided.
Conference Room
Keizer Karelplein 19