Seminar: Through the Looking-Glass of the Readmission System

  • DATE / TIME:
    2015•11•05    12:30 - 13:30

    Readmission (or deportation) continues to be a key component of EU policy on immigration and asylum. However, readmission is not simply a means of removing undesirable foreigners through coercive methods. When viewed as a way of ensuring the temporary stay of foreign workers in the labour markets of European destination countries, readmission may also impact on the participatory rights of a growing number of native workers facing equally temporary (and precarious) labour conditions, in a context marked by employment deregulation and wage flexibility. These implications have clear democratic significance. My presentation is aimed at illustrating and exploring the functional expansion and development of this “readmission system” while introducing a new analytical approach to the link between labour migration regulation and labour market deregulation.

    About the speaker
    Jean-Pierre Cassarino is a political scientist doing research at the Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain (IRMC, Tunisia) on labour migration issues and international relations. Previously, he held a professorship at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute (RSCAS, EUI) where he also directed research projects on the reintegration of return migrants (MIREM and CRIS projects). He was senior programme officer at the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO, Turin). His research interests focus on patterns of international cooperation and state sovereignty as applied to the “management” of international migration and asylum. He is most interested in analysing policy design and implementation as well as how policy transfers are administered through processes of bilateral and multilateral consultations mobilizing countries of destination, of transit and of origin. Selected recent publications include: “A Case for Return Preparedness” (Cham: Springer International Publishing); “The Drive for Securitized Temporariness” (Oxford: Oxford University Press); “Readmission Policy in the European Union” (Brussels: European Parliament Publications Office); “Unbalanced Reciprocities: Cooperation on Readmission in the Euro-Mediterranean Area” (Washington, D.C.: Middle-East Institute).

  • Conference Room
    Boschstraat 24, Maastricht