UNU Migration Network Research Symposium

  • DATE / TIME:
    2022•09•27 - 2022•09•28

    On 27 and 28 September, researchers working on migration from different UNU institutes around the world will come together at UNU-MERIT in Maastricht to exchange knowledge and ideas and develop future collaboration.

    The Research Symposium will focus on three thematic areas of key importance for scientific knowledge and policy development:

    • Climate, Migration and Health
    • Inequality, Migration and Development – with a focus on South-South migration
    • Migration, Governance and Policy

    The UNU Migration Network Research Symposium will also serve to launch the Research Network on Ukrainian Migration – a collaboration between, initially, four institutions: Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw; Migration Policy Centre, EUI; University of Maastricht; and UNU-MERIT. In light of the ongoing war in Ukraine and the complex displacement impacts, the Research Network on Ukrainian Migration will bring together institutions working on Ukrainian migration to cooperate on new research, information dissemination, seminars, the acquisition of new funding, and more.