UNU Panel Series on Academic Thinking on Migration: Alternative Ways of Thinking about Migration for Development, Lessons from emerging research

  • DATE / TIME:
    2017•07•12    13:00 - 15:00
    New York

    Alternative Ways of Thinking about Migration for Development, Lessons from emerging research: South-South focus, financial decision-making, and the price of rights, refugees and development

    UNU Panel Series on Academic Thinking on Migration
    -Wednesday, 12 July

    1.15 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 12 July 2017
    United Nations Headquarters (Room TBC)

    RSVP by 28 May.

    This event is part of the United Nations University (UNU) ‘Panel Series on Academic Thinking on Migration’, convened by the UNU Migration Network with the support of the UNU Office in New York (UNU-ONY). The panel series is held against the backdrop of thematic consultations feeding into negotiations towards a Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. 

    New global realities warrant taking stock of new ways of thinking about the relationship between migration and sustainable development, pushing the limits of knowledge on the role of migration in promoting skills transfers, in addressing global labour market imbalances, and in enhancing the benefits of globalization. This seminar will offer empirical evidence, practical examples and critical perspectives on the developmental impacts of migration. Panellists will bring attention to questions such as: what are the socio-economic effects of the increasing magnitude of migration between developing countries (South-South migration). How do refugees contribute to the infrastructure, economies, and social fabric of their host communities? What factors and behavioural biases influence financial decision-making, for example, a migrant’s decision to remit, save, adopt technologies, or invest in productive assets or intangible assets (such as health and education)? Finally, within regional structures supporting freedom of movement – such as the European Union and the Economic Community of West African States – how does the existence of different categories of migrants affect their access to labour opportunities, services and rights?


    Prof Melissa Siegel, United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT)

    Dr James Cockayne, Head of the United Nations University (UNU) Office in New York

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