Implications of the irregular migration and refugee situation on Official Development Assistance spending and practices in Europe

  • DATE / TIME:
    2017•04•19    12:00 - 13:00

    Abstract: Increasingly high numbers of refugees and migrants have come to Europe over the past five years seeking protection. Beyond hosting and providing assistance to new arrivals, the EU and its member states have used various political, development and humanitarian assistance tools in order to address the current displacement and migration challenges abroad. In all countries, this has profoundly impacted the use of Official Development assistance (ODA) with short- and longer-term implications for migration governance and for development cooperation. To investigate the response of various European donors (Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands and the European Union), the Swedish Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) recently commissioned a study from the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM). During this seminar one of the authors of the report, Anna Knoll (Head of Migration at ECDPM) will present the main findings of the study and discuss the possible consequences for European aid policy. The full report Making Waves: Implications of the Irregular Migration and Refugee Situation in Official Development Assistance Spending and Practices in Europe is available online.

    Speaker biography: More information on Ms. Knoll can be found at the ECDPM webpage.


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    The Netherlands