2014•11•17 Barcelona
At the next 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations “The Worlds of Violence” (23-26th September 2015 in Sicily, Italy), the biggest since ever conference in International Relations in Europe, a section will address International Migration and International Security: From “The Securitization of Migration” to “Making Migration Secure for People”?.
The section chair is Valeria Bello, coordinator of the UNU Migration Network and Research Fellow at UNU-GCM. Valeria Bello has since long studied the role of Non-State Actors in Security, including questions of identities, inter-ethnic conflicts and migration. The aim of this section is to highlight how the question is not so much “making migration secure” but “to the benefit of whom”. In this light, the section – which will host several panels, each composed of 4 academic speakers who are studying these phenomena – will consider both migration as issues of international security and questions of migration and human security.
Panel, roundtables and paper proposals can be submitted through the conference online submission system starting from 8th December 2014. Deadline for submission is 15th January 2015. No submission will be accepted after this deadline.