Migrant Integration: How Policies Shape Everyday Lives

  • 2015•07•13     Maastricht

    With the increase and diversification of migration flows to major European countries, especially with the current asylum policy crisis, not a day goes by without finding some news relating to immigrants and their settlement in their place of arrival. The ways in which immigrants can be integrated into their new residence countries is a topic open to debate and one about which everyone has an opinion. But what do we actually know about how different countries of immigration deal with immigrant integration? What do the policies say? Do policies really give opportunities to excel and make their way in their new home? Or instead of supporting immigrants, do they put obstacles against integration?

    Since December 2014, Dr Ozge Bilgili has been working as an evaluation researcher with the Center for International Affairs Barcelona (CIDOB) and Migration Policy Group (MPG) on the ‘Integration Policies: Who Benefits? The development and use of indicators in integration debates’ project, co-funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. This project aimed at answering these questions and tried to understand where countries stand when it comes to policy making on immigrant integration.

    The main contribution of the project has been to develop the new edition of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX 2015). The Migrant Integration Policy Index is a unique tool which measures eight policy dimensions across 38 countries with a total of 167 policy indicators

    For more information, videos and the report visit here