2017•01•13 New York
On 1 January 2017, United Nations University Rector David M. Malone assumed the role of Chair of the Global Migration Group (GMG), a forum of 21 UN agencies and entities that promotes international and regional instruments and norms relating to migration.
The Chair of the GMG, which meets at regular intervals, is held on a rotating basis by the executive heads of GMG member organisations. The UNU rector will serve as Chair until 31 December 2017.
“UNU looks forward to contributing to the GMG’s thought leadership and genuinely global perspective on migration in 2017, a decisive year in the course of policymaking on international migration”, said Rector Malone. “The GMG must provide clear, meaningful, and joined-up input to Member States in the formulation of global policies on international migration.”
UN Member States will engage in broad consultations this year, with the aim of informing negotiations on a global compact for safe, regular, and orderly migration in 2018.
As Chair, UNU will ensure that the GMG collaborates closely with the UN Secretary-General’s representatives, with the Global Forum for Migration and Development, and with key UN Member States in the run-up to negotiation of the global compact.
Throughout 2017, the UNU Migration Network, a collaborative group of UNU researchers, will convene a collaborative academic seminar series, co-organised with the UNU Office at the United Nations.
For more, see the 12 January UNU press release.