Vacancy: Research Associate (UNU-GCM)

  • 2017•03•13     Barcelona

    The United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM) is one of several research and training institutes of the UNU. Based in Barcelona, it works to contribute to good governance, cultural diversity, democracy and human rights through a better understanding of cultural mobility and diversity in the context of globalization, focusing especially on the major cultural and social phenomena of migration and media. The institute fosters cutting-edge research in these areas at global and local levels.

    UNU-GCM is looking for a Research Associate who will closely with the Director and other team members of UNU-GCM on drafting a baseline report addressing xenophobia and representations of migrants in the media. This report will form a key output in support of UNU’s current Chairmanship of the Global Migration Group (GMG) in 2017.

    The deadline is April 10, 2017. See the vacancy announcement for further details.