OP-ED: Water, Climate, Conflict & Migration: Coping with 1 Billion People on the Move by 2050 (Op-Ed)


  • 2020•06•08     Hamilton

    There is no clear, one-size-fits-all explanation for a decision to migrate — a choice that will be made today by many people worldwide, and by an ever-rising number in years to come because of a lack of access to water, climate disasters, a health crisis and other problems.

    UN University researchers and others far beyond have been looking for direct and indirect links between migration and the water crisis, which has different faces — unsafe water in many places, chronic flooding or drought in others.

    A new report, ‘Water and Migration: A Global Overview,’ from UNU’s Institute for Water, Environment and Health, offers insights into water and migration interlinkages and suggests how to tackle existing gaps and needs.

    Op-ed about the report, written by Nidhi Nagabhatla and published by Inter Press Service News Agency, available here.