Diaspora and knowledge transfer – the evidence

  • 2021•02•22

    Katie Kuschminder, Charlotte Mueller, Kiza Magendane and Yannicke Goris

    In this – at least for now – last article by external experts in our diaspora dossier, we give the word to two researchers from the United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT). PhD fellow Charlotte Mueller and assistant professor Dr Katie Kuschminder – both experts in the field of migration, development and diaspora – are responsible for the evaluation of IOM’s Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D) programme. A few weeks ago we published an interview article with Nina Staal and Dorien Deketele, two senior officials from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) The Netherlands, who also talked about this programme. In the following, Katie and Charlotte will reflect on the successes and challenges of this endeavour and highlight some key lessons that are useful for all actors who seek to stimulate effective diaspora knowledge transfer in future. Read the full article here.