Water and Food Security Crisis Influencing Human Mobility Patterns: A Comprehensive Overview


    Water and Food Security Crisis Influencing Human Mobility Patterns: A Comprehensive Overview
    by Nidhi Nagabhatla, Panthea Pouramin, Sujin Shin, Pooja Sharma, Talia Glickman, Rupal Brahmbhatt and Pratibha Singh

    In: Squires, V. R., Gaur Mahesh K. Food Security and Land Use Change under Conditions of Climatic Variability (pp. 49-76). Springer, Cham.

    The theory and practice of managing land and water interactions for ensuring food and water security are inherently complex. For an enhanced understanding of the interlinkages of this nexus, the chapter adopts a 3-tiered approach. The first tier outlines diverse narratives to explain human mobility and displacement driven by food and water crisis scenarios in different socioecological, sociocultural, and socio-political settings with a focus on Asia and Africa. The second tier unpacks how migration trends and patterns connect to water and food crisis scenarios. The third tier employs a case study approach (Congo Basin region) to illustrate the interlinkages in water security, food production and, human mobility in setting of conflicts. Overall, the chapter highlights the relatively under-examined scenarios stemming from water and food crisis and provide a guideline framework to assess multiple dimensions of human mobility, while connecting to the sustainable development agenda.

    Available here.