Civic Integration and Forced Marriage: Comparison Paper

    Civic Integration and Forced Marriage: Comparison Paper
    by Elaine McGregor, A. Witkamp, S. Bouma and S. van Klaveren

    This paper has been prepared as part of an international knowledge exchange project on civic integration and forced marriage, initiated by the Dutch Government and co-organised by Panteia and the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. The project has sought to develop networks for information exchange between relevant actors working on issues of civic integration and forced marriage in the Netherlands, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. To achieve this, between October and February 2013 three working visits were made by a delegation of policy officers from the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Em-ployment, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Ministry of Security and Justice to their counterparts and other experts working on integration and immigration issues in Berlin and Nürnberg, Germany; Paris, France; and London, United Kingdom (UK).

    In March 2013 a seminar of the network was held in The Hague, the Netherlands. Experts from the four countries, Flanders (Belgium), Austria and Denmark attended this seminar.

    This paper brings together key findings and discussions points that emerged from the pro-ject. The paper has been written by Elaine McGregor (Maastricht Graduate School of Govern-ance), Auke Witkamp (Panteia), Suzanne Bouma (Panteia) and Susan van Klaveren (Pan-teia). The project team is grateful to the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment who funded this study.

    Title of the Journal in which the article appears: Financed by Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment as part of the International Civic Integration Network (2012-2013)