Codebook: Transnational Child Raising Arrangements between Africa and Europe


    Maastricht University
    Codebook: Transnational Child Raising Arrangements between Africa and Europe
    by Valentina Mazzucato and Victor Cebotari

    The data is part of the large-scale study on the ‘Effects of Transnational Child Raising Arrangements on Life-Chances of Children, Migrant Parents and Caregivers between Africa and Europe’ (TCRAf-Eu). The study builds on the TCRA programme on ‘Transnational Child-Raising Arrangements’ between Ghana and The Netherlands and adds a cross-country comparative dimension by including Angola and Nigeria as migrant origin countries and Portugal and Ireland as migrant destination countries. The project seeks to understand three dimensions of transnational child raising arrangements: (1) Life chances of actors that are in transnational families: children who remain in the country of origin, their migrant parents and their caregivers; (2) The effects of migration laws, the institution of fosterage in Africa and the schools on TCRA; (3) The effects of different sending and receiving country contexts on the functioning and outcomes that TCRAs have on the different actors. The data which are the subject of this document aim to provide new empirical information on the wellbeing of TCRA children in Ghana, Angola and Nigeria. The programme is funded by the NORFACE Research Programme on Migration. NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe) is a consortium of fourteen research councils (including the Dutch NWO) created to increase co-operation in research and research policy in Europe.

    Available here