Diaspora engagement in development: An analysis of the engagement of the Kenyan diaspora in Germany and the potentials for cooperation


    Diaspora engagement in development: An analysis of the engagement of the Kenyan diaspora in Germany and the potentials for cooperation
    by Ayla Bonfiglio, Elaine McGregor and Melissa Siegel

    Based on a request of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), this study seeks to understand how Kenyans in Germany organise themselves into self-identified ‘diaspora organisations’ and how they engage with social, economic, and political life in Kenya and/or Germany. In exploring these broad questions, sub-questions explored are:

    1. What are the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of Kenyans in Germany?
    2. What are the networks and institutions that structure the Kenyan diaspora, and how do they interact with each other and the Kenyan and German governments?
    3. What are the different social, cultural, economic, and political activities that diaspora organisations undertake; how do they relate to organisations’ overall objectives; and what factors influence the type of initiatives that different organisations pursue?
    4. What are the key challenges faced by these organisations, what are their future aspirations, and where are the potentials for collaboration?

    Read the report here