Movement: A Global Civil Society Report on Progress and Impact for Migrants’ Rights and Development


    International Catholic Migration Commission
    Movement: A Global Civil Society Report on Progress and Impact for Migrants’ Rights and Development
    by Elaine McGregor

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    In October 2013 civil society leaders, network and organisations from around the world pro­posed to governments in the United Nations General Assembly to work together on an agenda for change around migration and development. This agenda, global civil society’s ‘5-year 8-point Plan of Action’, proposed to collaborate around eight priorities, centred on decent work and reforming migrant labour recruitment; human development and diaspora action; protection of migrants – men, women and children – on the move, in transit and at borders; and the rule of law, governance and international responsibility.

    The civil society Migration and Development (MADE) network commissioned this first edition of a “Movement” report as an independent assessment of what progress has been made on achieving each of the eight goals in that 5-year 8-point Plan of Action in the two years since 2013. Based on interviews, literature review and a global survey among over 300 civil society organisations the report paints a picture both of improvement and inertia, of action taken by civil society and of action needed to be taken for the Plan to move forward, including key recommendations to civil society and governments.

    The report is available in English, French and Spanish