Promoting human security and minimizing conflict associated with forced migration in the Pacific region

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    Promoting human security and minimizing conflict associated with forced migration in the Pacific region
    by Cosmin Corendea, Valeria Bello and Timothy Bryar

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    This report highlights the main findings of a joint research project between the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and the United Nations University (UNU) Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility and the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security.

    Responding to the Forum Regional Security Committee’s request to undertake research and develop policy recommendations on the security implications of poorly managed climate change induced migration, the research aimed to under- stand both the main human security challenges that climate induced migrants face when set- tling in receiving countries or communities and the major reasons for tensions or conflict. In ad- dition, the research aimed to formulate policy recommendations that could help Forum Island Countries and other stakeholders from the Pacific to develop appropriate policy responses to pro- mote human security and prevent conflict due to climate induced displacement and migration.

    In this regard, this report formulates seven policy recommendations in order to promote human security and minimize conflict associated with forced migration in the Pacific region.


    You can find more details on the “PACIFIC” research project here.