Project Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) – Study on Migration Flows from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Europe Forced Migration, Migration Governance
Blog How to Walk the Talk to End Forced Migration? 2016•09•05 Forced Migration, Immigrant Integration, UN Summit 2016
Books Legal Protection of the Sinking Islands Refugees 2016•07•21 Forced Migration, Climate Change, Environmentally-induced Migration
Event Book Launch: International Migration: A Very Short Introduction DATE / TIME : 2016•06•23 16:30 - 18:00 LOCATION:Maastricht Forced Migration, Migration Governance, Migration and Development
Articles An Age-Sensitive Approach to Durable Solutions 2016•06•20 Forced Migration, Durable Solutions, Disaster, Conflict, Older People
News Call for Papers: Forced Migration, Enterprise and Development 2016•06•14 Maastricht Forced Migration, Migration and Development
Articles Trafficking of women for sexual exploitation in Europe: Prosecution, trials and their impact 2016•05•31 Forced Migration
Event Seminar: Journeys to Europe: the role of policy in migrant decision-making DATE / TIME : 2016•05•30 12:30 - 13:30 LOCATION:Maastricht Forced Migration, Policy
Working Papers Rejected Afghan asylum seekers in the Netherlands: Migration experiences, current situations and future aspirations, VOLUME: 2016-007 AUTHORS: Katherine Kuschminder and Melissa Siegel Forced Migration, Europe, Migrants
Reports Diaspora and peace: What role for development cooperation? AUTHORS: Michaella Vanore, Nora Ragab and Melissa Siegel Forced Migration, Migration and Development, Diaspora Engagement