Event PhD Defence: Simultaneity in Transnational Migration Research: Links Between Migrants’ Host and Home Country Orientation DATE / TIME : 2014•11•21 10:00 - 13:00 LOCATION:Maastricht Immigrant Integration
Event Lecture: Human Migration: Myths, Hysteria and Fact DATE / TIME : 2014•06•27 14:00 - 17:00 LOCATION:Maastricht Migration and Development
Event Una tierra de acogida: What is Spain’s role in the development of international good practice? DATE / TIME : 2013•12•10 LOCATION:Barcelona
Event Methodologies of Research on Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue: Training Seminar for PhD students DATE / TIME : 2013•11•27 LOCATION:Barcelona
Event Asian Migrant Media: A Local Perspective on Migration and Intercultural Dialogue: Roundtable DATE / TIME : 2013•11•25 LOCATION:Barcelona
Event Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue Conference DATE / TIME : 2013•11•25 - 2013•11•26 LOCATION:Barcelona
Event UNU-GCM hosts a workshop on ‘Non-citizen’ship DATE / TIME : 2013•09•04 LOCATION:Manchester Citizenship
Event Buscando Respeto: learning from immigrant youth gang-members DATE / TIME : 2013•04•10 LOCATION:Barcelona
Event First UNU Barcelona Interdisciplinary Workshop on Migration Issues in Catalonia DATE / TIME : 2013•02•26 LOCATION:Barcelona