A New Research Project on Prejudice and Conflict in Forced Migration Issues

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  • 2015•01•16     Barcelona

    The UNU Migration Network is pleased to inform that will collaborate with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat by carrying out a research project on “Prejudice and Conflict in Forced-migration Issues: a Context” (PACIFIC).

    The PACIFIC Research Project will examine the consequences for the Fiji Islands Populations of the loss of their lands and the consequent move they are forced to undertake because of climate change, along with the prejudice and the conflictive situations that the Fiji people experience when they arrive in countries of destinations.

    To carry out this research project, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat needed the expertise of the UNU Migration Network, which could provide the guidance of an expert on migration, prejudice and inter-ethnic relations, Valeria Bello, who is also the coordinator of the Network itself and its founder, and the expertise of the research team of UNU-EHS, in particular Cosmin Corandea, that has already carried out field-studies on climate-induced migration in the Fiji Islands in the past.