Articles Regional Cooperation on Labour Rights and Migrant Workers’ Rights: South America Compared 2013•12•15 Latin America
Articles Regions without Borders: Regional Governance, Migration and Social Protection in Africa and Europe (Special Issue) 2013•12•15
Articles Regional Integration and Free Movement across borders: the role of social policy in enabling and preventing access to social entitlements by cross border movers. Europe and Southern Africa compared. 2013•12•15
Articles European Union and Commonwealth Free Movement: A Historical-Comparative Perspective 2013•06•14 Migration Governance, Europe, Policy
Articles Countries’ Net-migration: The Impact of Economic Opportunities, Disasters, Conflicts, and Political Instability 2011•07•08 Migration and Development, Remittances
Articles Worker remittances in international growth regressions: The problem of collinearity 2010•07•09 Remittances
Articles Childcare Services in 25 European Union Members States: The Barcelona Targets Revisited 2008•01•01