Working Papers The role of migration‐specific and migration‐relevant policies in migrant decision‐making in transit VOLUME: #2017-022 AUTHORS: Katherine Kuschminder and Khalid Koser Download: (359.9 KB PDF) Migration Governance, Policy, Skilled Migration
Working Papers Development Implications of Climate Change and Migration in the Pacific VOLUME: No 3/2016 AUTHORS: Cosmin Corendea Climate Change, Migration and Development, Skilled Migration
Articles Migrants’ capacity as actors of development: do skills matter for economic and social remittances? 2016•03•11 Migration and Development, Remittances, Skilled Migration
Reports Contributions and Barriers to Knowledge Transfer: The Experience of Returning Experts VOLUME: No. 7 AUTHORS: Katherine Kuschminder , Georgina Sturge and Nora Ragab Migration and Development, Skilled Migration
Project Evaluation of the GIZ Returning Experts Programme Migration and Development, Return, Skilled Migration
Policy Briefs Watching a World in Motion: Reflections on the IS Academy Project VOLUME: 19 AUTHORS: Georgina Sturge, Elaine McGregor and Melissa Siegel Migration and Development, Return, Remittances, Skilled Migration
Working Papers The impact of Medium-Skilled immigration: A general equilibrium approach AUTHORS: Joan Muysken, Ehsan Vallizadeh and Thomas Ziesemer Skilled Migration
Working Papers Promoting return and circular migration of the highly skilled AUTHORS: Metka Hercog and Melissa Siegel Skilled Migration
Working Papers Highly skilled temporary return, technological change and Innovation: The Case of the TRQN Project in Afghanistan AUTHORS: Melissa Siegel and Katherine Kuschminder Skilled Migration
Project Mid-term evaluation of the Promoting Decent Work Across Borders: A Pilot Project for Migrant Health Professionals and Skilled Workers (2013) Circular Migration, Evaluation, International Organizations, Asia, Skilled Migration