Syrian Diaspora Mapping Study

  • Institute:

    UNU-MERIT and its School of Governance have been commissioned by GIZ to carry out a diaspora mapping study on the Syrian diaspora in Germany. The main aims of the study are to gain insights into the profile of the Syrian diaspora in Germany, through a mapping and documentation of Syrian diaspora organizations, associations and initiatives and to analyze their contributions to peace, development and reconstruction in Syria. Moreover, the potential for cooperation between diaspora organization and the German Development Cooperation are identified, to develop recommendations regarding a context-specific and conflict-sensitive
    strategy for approaching the organized diaspora.

  • Based on the study objectives identified above, this project produces three primary outputs:
    1) A mapping and contact list of relevant Syrian diaspora organizations based in Germany,
    2) A report on the Syrian diaspora in Germany and its potential contributions to peace, development and reconstruction
    3) Presentation of the report at GIZ in Eschborn

  • Nora Ragab: