Attitudes towards Immigrants and Intercultural Harmony

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  • Intercultural Dialogue

    Photo: UN Photo/Mark Garten


    This research project is part of a wider UNU-GCM research line called “Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue” and aims to investigate both individual and contextual factors influencing attitudes towards immigrants. In particular, its objective is to understand whether certain contextual variables play a role in exacerbating prejudice and discrimination.

    This research project proposes a new theoretical framework, aiming to show that some institutional and contextual factors play a crucial role in generating a climate of hostility (or vice versa of harmony) towards out-groups. In particular, the project intends to demonstrate that in those countries where contextual, political and institutional factors lead towards a path of inter-cultural harmony, individuals will show more positive attitudes towards immigrants than in countries where institutions, social contexts and political leaders operate in a different direction. In order to do this, an analysis is carried out on data collected in several European countries.

    The principal investigator of this research project is Dr. Valeria Bello, Research Fellow at UNU-GCM.

  • The findings of this research project have been presented at various venues and through different outputs, including:

    • Various international and national conferences and PhD Schools
    • One conference proceeding
    • One policy report available at the following link
    • A number of articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
  • Valeria Bello – Research Fellow at UNU-GCM