A Study on the Link between Corruption and the Causes for (irregular) migration

  • Institute:

    This study commissioned by the Deutsch Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Development Cooperation) (GIZ) sets out to develop a theoretical framework explaining the links between corruption and (irregular) migration, and applies it to the case studies of Ukraine and Mali. It identifies how corruption impacts human security and thereby directly or indirectly leads to (irregular) migration. The theoretical framework is based on the following research questions and sub-questions:
    1. Are there linkages between corruption and (irregular) migration, including displacement, and in which ways does corruption contribute to the creation of threats to human security and diminishing economic and political prospects and other causes for migration?
    a. Which types of corruption have an impact on migration, including human displacement?
    b. How does corruption affect different sectors and institutions as a push factor for migration?
    c. How are different types of migration affected by corruption?
    d. How are men and women affected differently by corruption?
    2. How can the connection between corruption and human displacement be theorised and understood?
    The project applies qualitative research methods including desk research and expert interviews.

  • The output of the project is a report including a theoretical framework on the linkages between corruption and the causes for (irregular) migration and two case studies applying the theory to Ukraine and Mali.

  • Julia Reinold – julia.reinold@maastrichtuniversity.nl