IS Academy on Migration and Development (Migration, a World in Motion) (2009-2014)

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  • Institute:

    This five-year project investigates the impact migration has on development of home countries and communities through the collection of data on Afghan, Burundian, Ethiopian, and Moroccan migrants living in the Netherlands. The information collected about the situation of these migrant households in the Netherlands—as well as their contributions to family and communities left behind—helps to guide more robust, evidence-based migration and development policy. The data collected from 1000 households in the Netherlands is matched by data collection in each of the countries of origin, a process that enables the effects of migration to be understood as a holistic, multidimensional process. Within this project, the following migration and development themes are explored in depth: circular migration, return, remittances, brain drain, and EU external migration policy.

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  • 1) Development, implementation, and analysis of 1000 household surveys each in the Netherlands, Burundi, Ethiopia, and Morocco, and 2000 household surveys in Afghanistan.

    2) Preparation of policy briefs and policy recommendation documents.

    3) Organisation of stakeholder meetings and conferences to be attended by representatives of government, NGOs, IOs, and other civil society bodies.
