Study on Children and Elderly left behind in Moldova and Georgia (2011-2013)

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  • Institute:

    This project is part of a larger research programme investigating EU cooperation with third countries in the realm of migration and asylum. The study on the effects of migration on children and the elderly left behind assesses the impact recent wide-scale migration has had on some of Moldova and Georgia’s most vulnerable groups. This study provide a comprehensive overview of the conditions of children and the elderly who have been left behind by migrating caretakers. The study assesses the economic, psychological, social, and institutional effects of migration on family members left behind and suggests ways in which states can mitigate the negative effects of migration via the formulation of more responsive and responsible social/social protection policies.

    More info:

  • 1) Development, implementation, and analysis of 8000 households surveys (4000 each in Georgia and Moldova, even sample between migrant and non-migrant households).

    2) Implementation and analysis of in-depth interviews and focus groups among children left behind, elderly left behind, government representatives, civil society representatives (advocacy groups, NGOs, community leaders, etc.), and international organisations.

    3) Completion of analytical report on results of data, report on policy recommendations for each country, and period reports on policy and institutional environments.

    4) Development of elderly and child-specific multidimensional poverty and vulnerability indices.
