Circular Migration project

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  • CircularMigration

    CircularMigrationIn the framework of the newly established United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM), a pilot project is jointly launched by UNU-CRIS and the Center of Studies and Research on Migrations at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (CERM-UAB) to address the implications of circular migration for sending and receiving countries as well as migrants and their families from a global perspective. Circular migration processes, understood as the back-and-forth movement of people between countries and regions, form part of the changing nature of migration movements worldwide at the beginning of the 21st century. In the past decades, migration flows – international, regional and internal – have been increasing quantitatively and changing in context, scope and nature. Nowadays, most of the migration projects are open-ended, multi-directional and flexible and often include circular migration movements. There is an obvious necessity to address current challenges with regard to migration, migration and integration, migration for development and human rights of migrants. Current research needs to take into account both changing trends in migration patterns and policies (shift to temporary and circular schemes) as well as the emergence of new economic (and political) spaces, e.g. a growing number of regional arrangements such as the EU, ECOWAS, MERCOSUR, CARICOM or CAN are providing for a certain degree of intra-regional mobility which in turn affects migration patterns and facilitates circular migration. This project contributes to these aims.

    More info:

  • Books (forthcoming)

    • Circular Migration: International trends, impacts and challenges, UNU Series on Regionalism, Springer.
  • UNU-CRIS Director Luk Van Langenhove (