Mail Order Brides

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    The mail-order bride phenomenon is often associated with various potential problems for individuals subscribing to international marriage broker websites and engaging in mail-order bride relationships. These possible problems are multifaceted and often related to human rights aspects. Despite the long history of the phenomenon, research on the status of the mail-order bride industry in the European Union is limited, and its impact on the rights of women, men and children involved is unclear.

    This research project analyses the status of the mail-order bride industry in the European Union. It aims at producing an overview of existing legislation, the impact of engaging in the mail-order bride industry on women’s rights and possible ways to protect these.

    To arrive at an in-depth understanding of the issue at hand, the methodological approach includes desk research, interviews with experts, international marriage brokers, as well as women and men having experience in searching a partner with the help of international marriage brokers.

    The results of the research is used to advise the EP on possible rules and regulations to protect all parties involved in a Mail-Order Bride relationship on the European Union level.
