Event Worldwide University Network (WUN) Migration Conference DATE / TIME : 2015•04•25 09:00 - 2015•04•26 12:30 LOCATION:Hong Kong Migration and Development, Post 2015 Development Agenda
Event Seminar: Attracting the Highly Skilled DATE / TIME : 2015•02•27 15:00 - 17:00 LOCATION:Maastricht
Event Inaugural Lecture: Prof Ronald Skeldon DATE / TIME : 2015•02•25 16:30 - 17:30 LOCATION:Maastricht Environmentally-induced Migration, Circular Migration, Migration and Development
Event Seminar: Key Findings from Comparative Research on the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Migrants DATE / TIME : 2015•02•23 12:30 - 13:30 LOCATION:Maastricht Return
Event Seminar: The Effectiveness of Migration Policies: New Evidence from the DEMIG Project DATE / TIME : 2015•02•11 12:30 - 13:30 LOCATION:Maastricht Migration Governance, Policy
Event Conference: International Migration and Current Challenges: Transforming the Debate on Human Mobility DATE / TIME : 2016•01•28 09:00 - 19:00 LOCATION:Barcelona
Event 5th Official Meeting of the UNU Migration Network in Kuala Lumpur DATE / TIME : 1970•01•01 01:00 - 01:00 LOCATION:Barcelona
Event A Public Symposium on Migration DATE / TIME : 2015•01•13 09:00 - 17:00 LOCATION:Kuala Lumpur Migration Governance, Policy
Event Migration Seminar: Exploring the Benefits and Potential of City-to-City Partnerships in Integration Governance DATE / TIME : 2014•12•17 12:30 - 13:30 LOCATION:Maastricht Immigrant Integration, Migration and Development
Event International Conference: Future perspectives on innovation and governance in development DATE / TIME : 2014•11•26 - 2014•11•28 LOCATION:Maastricht Migration and Development