Project The Fukushima Global Communication Programme (FGC) Forced Migration, Environmentally-induced Migration, Migration and Development, Environmental Sustainability
Articles Internal Migration in the Upper Mekong Delta, Viet Nam: What is the role of climate-related stressors? 2014•12•01 Climate Change, Food Insecurity, Environmentally-induced Migration, Asia
News MECLEP Project: First study visit in Haiti 2014•11•18 Bonn Forced Migration, Climate Change, Migration Governance, Environmentally-induced Migration, Human Security
Books Getting from Here to There: Policy Pathways to Address Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change 2013•12•23 Climate Change, Environmentally-induced Migration, Policy
Project Environmental Change, Climate Change and Migration in Latin America (OXFAM Project) Forced Migration, Climate Change, Latin America, Environmentally-induced Migration, Environmental Sustainability, Human Security
Books Environment and Migration: Field Research in Egypt and Niger 2011•01•01 Environmentally-induced Migration
Books Environmentally Forced Migration and Social Vulnerability 2010•01•01 Forced Migration, Climate Change, Environmentally-induced Migration
Books The environmental root causes triggering economic migration: The case of Egypt 2010•01•01 Environmentally-induced Migration
Books Researching environmental change and migration 2009•01•01 Forced Migration, Climate Change, Environmentally-induced Migration
Books Environmental change and forced migration scenarios: methods and findings from the Nile Delta, Sahel, and Mekong Delta 2009•01•01 Forced Migration, Climate Change, Environmentally-induced Migration