Reports Diaspora and peace: What role for development cooperation? AUTHORS: Michaella Vanore, Nora Ragab and Melissa Siegel Forced Migration, Migration and Development, Diaspora Engagement
Reports Migration and Development: A World in Motion – Morocco Country Report AUTHORS: Silja Weyel, Craig Loschmann and Melissa Siegel Migration and Development, Return, Remittances
Reports Migration and Development: A World in Motion – The Netherlands Country Profile AUTHORS: Ozge Bilgili and Melissa Siegel Immigrant Integration, Migration and Development
Reports Evaluation of SDC’s Global Programmes Climate Change; Water Initiatives; Food Security; Migration and Development and Health AUTHORS: Melissa Siegel Migration and Development, Policy
Reports The Invisible Labour of Female Migrants in the Care Sector AUTHORS: Megha Amrith Migration Governance, Labour Market, Migrants
Reports Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Cities AUTHORS: Katrin Marchand and Melissa Siegel Immigrant Integration
Reports Evaluating Impact: Lessons Learned from Robust Evaluations of Labour Market Integration Policies AUTHORS: Ozge Bilgili Immigrant Integration, Labour Market
Reports Afghanistan Migration Profile AUTHORS: Katrin Marchand, Melissa Siegel, Katherine Kuschminder , Nassim Majidi, Michaella Vanore and Carla Buil Forced Migration, Circular Migration, Migration and Development, Return, Remittances, Policy
Reports Irregular Migration Routes to Europe and Factors Influencing Migrants’ Destination Choices AUTHORS: Katherine Kuschminder , Julia de Bresser and Melissa Siegel Migrants
Reports Independent Evaluation of Swiss Migration Partnerships: Final Report AUTHORS: Melissa Siegel, Katrin Marchand and Elaine McGregor Migration Governance