Reports Contributions and Barriers to Knowledge Transfer: The Experience of Returning Experts VOLUME: No. 7 AUTHORS: Katherine Kuschminder , Georgina Sturge and Nora Ragab Migration and Development, Skilled Migration
Reports Cities, Displacement and Stranded Migrants AUTHORS: Megha Amrith Migration Governance, Africa, Refugees and Statelessness
Reports Extended Report: Global migration governance performance – A decade of change AUTHORS: Tendayi Bloom Migration Governance, Refugees and Statelessness
Reports Ambiguities in the categories of migration AUTHORS: Megha Amrith Migration Governance, Transnationalism
Reports Transnationalism and New Media. Transcontinental Migrants and Interconnectivity of Cultures AUTHORS: Valeria Bello Media, Transnationalism, Refugees and Statelessness
Reports Extended Report: The use of private companies to enforce migration control measures and problems of democratic accountability AUTHORS: Tendayi Bloom Migration Governance, Refugees and Statelessness
Reports Is the discussion of Statelessness in the UN Security Council a question of Human Security or of International Security? AUTHORS: Valeria Bello Migration Governance, Refugees and Statelessness, Human Security
Reports A New Global Partnership for Development: Factoring in the Contribution of Migration AUTHORS: Elaine McGregor, Melissa Siegel, Nora Ragab and Teressa Juzwiak Global Partnership, Eradicate Poverty, Migration and Development, Achieve Primary Education, Improve maternal health, Post 2015 Development Agenda
Reports Migrant and refugee integration in global cities – the role of cities and businesses AUTHORS: Teressa Juzwiak, Elaine McGregor and Melissa Siegel Immigrant Integration
Reports Migration & Development: A World in Motion Ethiopia Country Report AUTHORS: Katherine Kuschminder and Melissa Siegel Migration Governance, Migration and Development, Return, Remittances, Africa