Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios (EACH-FOR)

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  • Institute:

    EACH-FOR was a two year long research project within the frames of FP6 (Priority 8.1 – Policy-oriented research) of the European Commission.
    "Forced migration" is a movement in which an element of coercion exists, including threats to life and livelihood, whether arising from natural or man-made causes (e.g. movements of refugees and internally displaced persons). The changes of natural and human-made environment will probably be the most significant factors among the causes of forced migration. It is essential to get accurate information about the current and future triggers of forced migration in each country of origin and within Europe itself.


    1. Natural and man-made environmental changes and degradation as probable causes triggering forced migration
    2. exploration of the link between environmental change and migration, science and society
    3. investigate the consequences of environmental degradation on forced migration at the local, regional and national levels and maximize exploitation of findings and conclusions
    4. application, development and optimization of methodology and measurement and verification procedures.

    Its goal was to support European policies, research and the civil society with ‘forced migration’ scenarios, and cooperate with other migration and environment degradation related projects and institutions by:

    • Identifying direct and indirect links contributing to forced migration focusing on the interpretation and integration of existing forced migration research
    • Investigating correlations between migration and environmental degradation
    • Producing a series of case studies investigating the correlation between environmental degradation and migration patterns
    • Analysing, synthesizing and forecasting environmental degradation processes as they affect migration

    Developing detailed and aggregated forced migration scenarios on the basis of interdisciplinary analysis of local and regional environmental, economic, political
    and social processes.

    • publication of policy briefs, case studies, project web site, reports for dissemination, one book, minimum of six scientific articles in international journals
    • production of regional overviews
    • a web-based environment degradation-migration model
    • presentation of research findings at conferences
    • organization of an international conference
  • Dr. Koko Warner
    Academic Officer
    Head of Section
    Tel.: + 49-228-815-0226
    e-mail: warner@ehs.unu.edu

    Dr. Tamer Afifi
    Associate Academic Officer
    Tel.: + 49-228-815-0232
    e-mail: afifi@ehs.unu.edu