Project Evaluation of the Dutch Government Migration and Development Policy (2012) Migration and Development, Europe, Policy, Evaluation
Project Evaluation of the Dutch Government ‘Blue Birds’ Circular Migration Pilot (2011-2012) Circular Migration, Migration and Development, Europe, Evaluation
Project ‘Geld Naar Huis’ Remittance Price Comparison Website Evaluation (2010) Migration and Development, Remittances, Europe, Evaluation
Project The Policy Response to Repatriation and Reintegration in Burundi Migration and Development, Return, Africa, Policy
Project Remittances Study on the Needs and Wants of African Migrants in Europe (2010) Migration and Development, Remittances, Africa, Europe
Project Study on Children and Elderly left behind in Moldova and Georgia (2011-2013) Migration and Development, Well-being, Europe, Left behind
Project The Tunisian Diaspora in Germany Migration and Development, Diaspora Engagement, Africa, Europe
Project IOM Afghanistan Migration Profile and New Data Collection (2011-2012) Migration and Development, Asia
Project IS Academy on Migration and Development (Migration, a World in Motion) (2009-2014) Circular Migration, Migration and Development, Return, Remittances, Africa, Europe, Policy, Asia
Books Diaspora Engagement in India: From Non-Required Indians to Angels of Development 2013•10•16 Migration and Development, Diaspora Engagement