Project The Fukushima Global Communication Programme (FGC) Forced Migration, Environmentally-induced Migration, Migration and Development, Environmental Sustainability
Project The international framework for statelessness Global Partnership, Eradicate Poverty, Gender Equality, Refugees and Statelessness, Citizenship, International Protection, Achieve Primary Education, Reduce Child Mortality, Improve maternal health
Project The Labour Market Impacts of Forced Migration (2013-2015) Forced Migration, Africa, Labour Market
Project The Policy Response to Repatriation and Reintegration in Burundi Migration and Development, Return, Africa, Policy
Project The Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms’ (REMINDER)
Project The Tunisian Diaspora in Germany Migration and Development, Diaspora Engagement, Africa, Europe
Project UNESCO-UNU Chair on Regional Integration, Migration and Free Movement of People (UNESCO-UNU Chair) Global Partnership, Eradicate Poverty, Gender Equality, Regionalization
Project UNHCR Shelter Assistance Evaluation Afghanistan (2012-2013) Refugees and Statelessness, International Organizations, Asia
Project Virtual Belongings: The Role of free web-calls on both Immigrants’ Integration and Socio-cultural Change of Stayers Media, Prejudice, Transnationalism, Immigrant Integration, Combat Diseases, Global Partnership, Well-being, Identity